Steve, I wrote this in a previous column with no usual response from you. Figured I'd try again.

The spotlight needs to start going on Nash, Marks and Tsai.

Marks and Nash have a history of being noncontroversial and protecting Nets players. Even when Irving disappeared last season Marks stayed safe and said nothing bad of it.

However, Marks needs takes a stand (along with Nash and Tsai) and be clear that Irving is in the wrong. I know Marks doesn't want to rock the boat, but saying nothing and protecting Irving only amplifies the message that not getting vaccinated is an appropriate choice - and it is not.

People are dying - and the population that is not getting vaccinated is a major part of the reason why. If Marks, Nash and Tsai do not stand up for vaccinations it would be a stain on the organization forever.

Kareem had a great analogy "You either join the line to save your neighbor's home, or you stand by and let it burn because you don't owe them anything," If Irving is 'standing by and letting it burn' that's his choice. But to add to that analogy Marks, Nash and Tsai need to speak up NOW. Saying nothing condones this behavior.

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